Welcome and thank you for your interest in participating in this summer’s Antigonish Art Fair season.
Dates: Every other Friday from June 28th to August 23rd
June 28 / July 12 / July 26 / August 9 / August 23
Location: “Chisholm Park”, located at the beginning of Main Street in downtown Antigonish.
Time: 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm (8:30 pm in August).
Artists & Artisans
A table and 1 chair are included with your registration. Note your registration counts to only one fair, tables are $25. To attend all 5 fairs you will need to fill out the registration for each fair date.
Along with your registration please send us a short bio about yourself, where you're from, and a few photos of your art to Info@AntigonishArtFair.ca. This information will help us promote YOU in our newsletters and social media posts.
All talent will be booked through Clifton Pettipas, please contact him for information on booking your spot at our fair this summer.
Food vendor
If you are interested in having a table at our fair please email Joan MacDonald (Administrator) at the Arts house for more information.
Please let us know if you need a table and power, or if you have a food truck.